Horizon 2020 dotation for Deepstributed testing in Fed4FIRE+ paneuropean infrastructure

Deepstributed has been tested once again on the real-scenario infrastructure environment. This time we have used Fed4FIRE+ testbed for evaluation of our distributed task deployment mechanisms in various scenarios, also involving heavy network and computing resources loads generated by dedicated testbed tools.

All of the tests have been successful and our platform have proven to be reliable and efficient even in such circumstances. The results of this experimentation show that Deepstributed can enter the next stage of development and should be ready to enter the market in the near future.

Fed4FIRE+ is a project under the European Union’s Programme Horizon 2020, offering the largest federation worldwide of Next Generation Internet (NGI) testbeds, which provide open, accessible and reliable facilities supporting a wide variety of different research and innovation communities and initiatives in Europe, including the 5G PPP projects and initiatives.

It started in January 2017 and will run for 60 months, until the end of September 2021. The Fed4FIRE+ project is the successor of the Fed4FIRE project.

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MassChallenge Switzerland
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