Serial entrepreneur, researcher, co-founder of Alphamoon – one of the first polish AI software houses – and a number of technology startups that effectively used AI to build competitive advantage.
Behind him, 15 years of research work focused on applications of AI & ICT in the industry and economy. Author of over 100 scientific publications in this area.
In 2009 he received PhD in computer science from Wroclaw University of Science and Technology where he founded the first AI/ICT research laboratory – SANTOS Lab which he has been running for over a decade.
Experienced R&D project manager working at the intersection of science and business, commercializing R&D projects with a total value exceeding PLN 100 million.
In 2018 he was an advisor to the Ministry of Digitization in the course of preparing National AI development strategy.
Paweł Świątek
CEO & Co-founder

Specialist in the field of the Internet of Things and technology enthusiast in particular in the area of communication and computational techniques.
He has just received his PhD title with the dissertation on communication and computing resources management in service-based systems. Author of over 20 international scientific publications.
Played key roles, mainly as team leader and system architect, in numerous EU and nationally funded R&D project. He is a co-founder of the Cloud Computing Lab which is a part of national distributed ICT laboratory – PL-LAB.
Due to his expertise and the key importance of projects in which he participated, on behalf of government agencies he has repeatedly represented Poland in international events, including CeBIT 2013 (Ministry of Science and Higher Education) or BYND2015 (Ministry of Digitization).
Patryk Schauer
CTO & Co-founder

ICT expert in the areas of cloud & fog computing, resources virtualization and management as well as software design with nearly a decade of experience in both industry and academia.
Engineer and researcher by calling. He believes that there are no problems in science and engineering. There are just challenges that can be overcome by hard and methodical work.
He has just received his PhD title with the dissertation on the management of computational resources in service-based systems. He published his research results in peer-reviewed journals and presented them at international scientific conferences.
IT leader and software architect with a demonstrated history of successfully delivered software and R&D projects. He took managerial positions in a number of commercial and academic projects worth over PLN 100 million.
Łukasz Falas
CSO & Co-founder

Deepstributed Ltd.
MassChallenge Switzerland
Chemin du Closel 5
1020 Renens, CH
- office@deepstributed.com
- +41 77 815 2458
Deepstributed Sp. z o.o.
Klecińska 123
54-413 Wrocław, PL
- office@deepstributed.com
- +48 503 064 414